Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A parents medical history shouldn't effect their children.

I have learned the hard way if you are “labeled” with any sort of mental disorder on your medical records; sharing a doctor with your child and wanting to be taken seriously is a joke. Of course at the same time having these records hanging over your own head and wanting to be taken seriously is also a joke. None the less I learned my lesson on ever sharing the same doctor as my children, and this mistake will never happen again. My seven year old daughter decided she wasn’t going to eat anymore. I couldn’t figure out why, I was questioning her trying to get answers for which she told me a boy called her fat. I was so upset and so unsure how to handle this and had nobody to reach out to for support not even my own mother who also turned it into something else that it wasn’t. My frustration with my mother and her lack of motherly skills is a completely different post that you can read about here; My mother . We went to the emergency room with no real answers except she had become dehydrated. This was followed up with our family doctor who has been famous for labeling and prescribing me whatever medications she can convince me to take. My medical history hunts me and seems to follow me everywhere I go, never do doctors look at anything as circumstantial, but rather labeled as disorders that follow you for the rest of your life.

I am explaining to the doctor what is going on with my daughter and the not eating and the information I have gathered. The doctor looks at my daughter and says “okay now that I have listened to your mom go on and on about why you won’t eat, can you tell me why you won’t eat?” Then not even giving my daughter a chance to explain she starts asking her questions such as if her stomach hurts or if she hasn’t been able to poop etc. I felt brushed off and not taken very seriously. I am the mother, I know more about day to day issues that are going on and of course if a seven year old has diarrhea all day yesterday it will feel like it was for longer then a week. Just because I have anxiety listed in my medical records, just because my parents have history of depression and mental issues that have now become a part of my medical record doesn’t mean I am exaggerating what is going on with my own child. None the less I took her to a different doctor who knows nothing of my history, I got a real diagnoses for her and was taken way more seriously and she is now better and I realized at that very moment I will never again share the same doctor as my children. My circumstantial labels should never effect or jeopardize my child’s medical issues.

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