Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Floating jar of a disturbing event

In my head there is a mason jar filled with one part of a disturbing event, floating in a lake. With the help of my EMDR therapist I took this situation of a comment made about my body image by a man who was suppose to be a trusting adult, and I traveled through the steps of emotions until it didn’t feel as shameful today as it has made me feel for the past 18,19, maybe even 20 years. I took the emotions, along with the stupid ass nightgown I was wearing and I shrank as small as a mouse, like in Alice In Wonderland. I scooped it all up climbing up the ladder until I reached the top of the jar, I tossed it all in and it flowed and poured and continued filling the jar like raging river during a flood season. I grew back to my normal size, placed the lid on the jar until it was tightly sealed. I tied a rope around it and walked out of my driveway into the road and down the street. I continued walking until I reached the lake where I found a tree against the waters edge. I tied off the jar and there it floats in the lake until I need to address this issue some more. Then I took my spirit to my sanctuary that I have created. A place with moss, birds, and butterflies, along with streams, flowers, and waterfalls. I danced, and played, and washed out all the negativity hanging from a vine leaning my hair into the water as the elements carried away these feelings. 

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